Welcome to Sharon Sokolik and Associates.
In order to guide your evaluation and/or treatment, we need the following forms to be completed and returned either in person or via email.
Forms are valid for each calendar year, but if your child’s personal details, needs, or situation have changed please complete a new form.
Case History Forms give us an idea about past and current concerns as well as contact information.
Policy Forms let you know our requirements for cancelations, payments, etc. There is also the opportunity to give us permission to speak to other professionals regarding care. PLEASE READ before you sign.
Social Thinking Overview Forms give us an overview of how social thinking is used at this time in various situations.
Photo and Video Release Form is an online form to complete and sign. A form must be completed in order for a person to join any group or attend events.
Exchange of Information Request Form is your written permission for us to contact other professionals. It is included in the Policy Form, however, during the year if new professionals are added to your care profile, you can add them.
Transportation Waiver & Release Form is a form to complete and sign at the request of Sharon Sokolik and Associates when offering transport to and/or from an event.
Please contact us if you have any difficulties or questions.
Forms to be Completed if you are new to our Practice and your child (under 18 years old) is the intended recipient of services.
Forms to be Completed if you are new to our Practice and you (over 18 years old) are the intended recipient of services.
Forms to be Completed as needed throughout the year.